“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
Welcome to 2019! So many things to accomplish in the new year. You may be setting out for a new job. Your goal may be to get back down to your ideal weight. Maybe you see a new house in your future or you may have made a list of messy folks you’re leaving behind in 2018! Whatever your plans, make sure you lay a foundation to be successful this year. And the only way to assure success this year is to seek first the kingdom of GOD and His righteousness.
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I know it’s exciting to set goals and work towards accomplishing them, but make sure you have a godly plan to execute first. Do you have a plan to grow closer to and in GOD? Do you plan to forgive those that hurt you in 2018? Do you have a plan to pray more, study more and increase your faith? Tithe? Participate in ministry? If not, modify your goals you’ve set for 2019 to seek first the kingdom of GOD and His righteousness, and then all the things on your list will be given to you. And Jesus can make this promise to you because He knows if you seek GOD first, the things on your list of goals for 2019 will be of Him. *wink*
Christ tops the list
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“Heavenly Father, I am seeking Your kingdom first and Your righteousness. I place You at the top of my goals for 2019. I know putting You first will make my year successful and all my goals achievable. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. ”