“Do not be surprised, my brothers and sisters, if the world hates you.”
Are you different? Can you count your friends on one hand? (Not people you know, but people you really consider a friend.) Do your thoughts about social issues always seem contrast with popular opinion? If you can relate to any of the above, it’s OK. Nothing is wrong with you. The world didn’t quite agree with Christ either.
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When you decided to follow Jesus unapologetically, don’t be surprised when you don’t fit in by worldly standards. “What?! You’re waiting until you’re married to have sex?” “You can smoke weed! It comes from the earth!” “Girl, I would’ve been cussed her out!” “Why you think you have to go to church every time it’s open?” When you’re feeling hated by the world, find a body of Christ (a church home) that is teaching GOD’s Word. Remember, iron sharpens iron and Christ created the Body to support one another. I’m not saying to just stick amongst like-minded people, because the world needs godly people like you in it. What I am saying is to remember to stay grounded in the Word and to spend time with people who will lift you up when you need lifting.
Be peculiar
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for calling me friend. When the world shows me hate, I know I can find love in You and the Body of Christ. Thank You for making me different. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”