“‘Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?’ declares the LORD. ‘Do not I fill heaven and earth?’ declares the LORD.”
It doesn’t feel good to be picked on or bullied. It can be uncomfortable when confronted by those who mean to do you wrong or always seem to have something negative to say. Makes you wonder if their sole job is to humiliate you, tear you down, or just make life miserable for you.
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In these times, remember to go to Christ for courage and strength. Know that no one has any power unless GOD gives it. Without His authority, your enemies are powerless. They can’t hide from GOD. He sees them and what they are doing to you because He fills up heaven and earth! Jesus can use the devil to bring out an attribute and strength in you that you didn’t know existed. So, the next time you’re faced with adversity - human or non-human - think of it as an exercise that will grow you or stretch you in a way you’d never imagine! GOD is working to increase you, He’s always in control and He sees everything.
Let GOD use them
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“Heavenly Father, no one, not even my enemies can hide in secret places from You. You fill heaven and earth. Give me the courage and strength in the midst of my powerless enemies for Your glory. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”