“What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me.”
Thank you all for the awesome feedback shared from Friday’s devotional Collaborate With Your Spirit. It was pulled from a YouTube video, To Reach Beyond Your Limits By Training Your Mind, my wife showed me. The main idea was to collaborate with your brain by doing these four things:
- Tell your mind what you want and be very descriptive.
- Associate pleasure with what you want to accomplish and pain with staying the same.
- Change the picture in your mind and see yourself reaching your goal.
- Make the unfamiliar familiar.
So let’s dive deeper into each idea this week as it relates to the spirit…
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- Tell your mind what you want and be very descriptive.
God has given you a very strong tool. Your mind. The only thing stronger than your mind is your spirit. Your spirit feeds what the mind thinks and makes it your reality. If you think the worse like Job in today’s scripture, the worse will manifest itself in your life because through your spirit, your mind has made it your reality. Instead of thinking the worse over your life, think and see yourself in victory and triumphing over your obstacles and stresses. Literally, see yourself better. What does that look like? Write it down. Make it plain, detailed and descriptive. Review it every day, soak it into your spirit, and remember, God didn’t give you the spirit of fear…
Feel free to watch the video by clicking HERE.
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“Heavenly Father, You didn’t give me the spirit of fear. You’ve given me the victory and have caused me to triumph. I choose today to only focus on seeing a better me through training my mind through a spirit that is of You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”