Because He Said It

By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, their starry host by the breath of His mouth.
— PSALM 33:6 (NIV)

Our God is an awesome God. He’s omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. There’s absolutely nothing He cannot do. His words are power. He can speak into existence things that weren’t there. He can create life and render death ineffective. By His word, the heavens and earth were created and all that is within it. And it’s all because He said it.

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Do you know what God said about you and your life? He said your weeping would only endure for a night and your joy would come in the morning. He said the suffering that you may suffer here cannot compare to the glory that will be revealed in you. He said His grace is sufficient. He said by His stripes you’re healed. He said you are a Holy nation and a royal priesthood. He said He is your shepherd and you will want for nothing. He said you can do all things and nothing is impossible for you. He said you are made in His image. He said there’s greatness in you. He said you are a mighty ruler. He said you are a conqueror. He said you’re blessed. And all these things and more are your reality today because He said it.

That settles it!

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Heavenly Father, Your words give life and are life. You created me and told me who I am in Your word. I have faith that every blessing You have spoken to me and promised me are mine and alive within me today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer