“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.”
Our family recently took a vacation before school started. We spent a week at three of the theme parks Orlando, Florida offers. One park was Volcano Bay. It has a 200 feet tall artificial volcano the houses three drop slides (one being the tallest body slide in America at 125 feet tall). The kids aren’t the biggest fans of water, but were able to tackle the drop slide because my wife and I not only encouraged them to do it, but led by examples in doing it first to show it could be done.
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One way to help others follow God’s Word is by your example. It’s good to encourage someone in the Lord, but seeing your example is even better. Today, you can show someone God’s way is not impossible and can be done. Show someone how you took the plunge and gave up your bad habit of smoking, drinking, or cursing. Show someone how you made it through your tough classes, health issues, or bad relationship. People can change their lives when you go first and give them an example to follow. Go first, and show someone by example it can be done.
Be an example
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for Your love and Your Word. I will be an example to others as I follow Your example. Strengthen me, Lord, to do Your work. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”