“Very truly I tell you, whoever accepts anyone I send accepts me; and whoever accepts me accepts the one who sent me.”
With today’s resources, we can find ourselves smack, dead, in the middle of someone else’s life. Through Facebook, you can find out where people you hardly know vacationed over the summer. Through the internet, you can know why your favorite actor is getting divorced. Through Twitter, you can learn your co-worker’s secret political views. And let’s not forget good ol’ phone to phone gossip! Too much of the wrong information can easily skew our opinions of people. But what happens if that person has a message from God for you?
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If Jesus can trust a sinner with His message to give to you, shouldn’t you be able to? God can use anyone. Ready your spirit to accept the God in someone no matter the vessel He chooses. Saul was a violent persecutor of all Christians. Can you imagine the rumors swarming around about him? After his transformation, Paul became responsible for writing half of the New Testament. Imagine how much you would miss of God’s message for you if you rejected everything Paul had to say because you couldn’t accept His past.
I want the truth!
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“Heavenly Father, I will accept anyone You send to give me the truth from Your Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”