Child-like Faith

Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’
— MATTHEW 19:14 (NIV)

My parents did a pretty good job raising their three boys. (I was the baby boy, so I like to think I had them wrapped around my finger. One could say I was well taken care of. Another could say I was spoiled.) Whatever they promised they would do for me, I believed it. I didn’t worry about how or when I was going to get what they had promised. I just knew if they said it, it was good as done.

As believers, we can sometimes overthink the things that Christ promised. You don’t have to know exactly how He’s going to do what He promised you or even know when He’s going to do it. Practice child-like faith and just believe whatever He’s promised you, Jesus is going to deliver right on time. If you can hang your hat on words and promises from human beings, how much more faith should you have in your Heavenly Father? He knows your every need and He is mindful of you. And just like a good parent, He doesn’t want you to suffer or go without. Today, don’t worry about if and when God is going to show up in your life. Just have faith He’s going to do what He said He would.

Believe it’s done

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Heavenly Father, I will exercise my faith in You as Your child knowing that You will keep every promise You have promised me. Today, I walk knowing it is already done for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer