Bringing Out The Good

‘Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?’ Nathanael asked.
— JOHN 1:46 (NIV)

Many people will judge you by what you’ve done or where you’re from.  They’ll predict your future based on the sins of your father and determine your destiny. The truth of the matter is it doesn’t matter where you’re from or what you’re currently experiencing. God still loves you and can bring the good out of any situation.

There’s an old saying “It’s not where you’re from, but where you’re going.” You may have hit rock bottom. You may be laid off, struggling with health issues, or broken hearted, but that’s not where you’re going. When you have Christ in your life, He walks with you through your valleys and personally escorts you higher to the mountain top safety of His pavilion. Believe that God can bring good out of any situation you’re facing. Seek His light in your time of darkness and let Jesus bring out the good in you.

I’m not finished…

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Heavenly Father, I am Your workmanship and I believe You created me for good. Thank You for bringing out the good in me and my situation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer