For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

As believers, we’ve just celebrated the “Super Bowl” of our faith; Resurrection Sunday. It’s a great day of worship and also the day you see people in church you haven’t seen in a long time. I mean a lonnnnnnng time! Instead of reminding people how long it’s been since they’ve been to church, remind them how much you miss their smile or conversation. Tell them how important they are to you and the body of Christ. One of the worse things you can do is question their faith or belief in Jesus.

Think about it. It can be a lot to swallow for the unsaved. “You want me to believe this virgin became pregnant, without having sex, that baby was the Son of God, grew up and got caught up by the people He rolled by lying on Him, was found guilty, beaten, crucified, buried, AND got up?!”  That’s why it’s important for us to show the love of Christ towards those that aren’t familiar with the power of God’s resurrection. Encourage those around you to not wag their fingers, but to try a little tenderness, love, and compassion. For the unsaved to feel God’s love, they’re going to have to experience yours first.

It’s all about love

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Heavenly Father, give me the words and the heart to reach those that may think the message of the cross is foolishness and stop them from perishing further. I realize Your power of the resurrection and want others to know it too. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer