“If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves.”
Ever noticed you don’t get sleepy until you’re in church, but wide awake as soon as you leave? Your enemy wants you to believe you’re tired, but how can you be when you just woke up an hour ago? The enemy will make you feel a certain way when you shouldn’t or make you want for something that God doesn’t have planned for you. Don’t fool yourself into believing you are what the enemy says you are but know that you are everything God has called you.
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Your enemy has knowledge of what God has in store for you. His job is to make sure you never reach your godly potential by making you believe you are something you’re not. The enemy calls you unworthy of forgiveness. He calls you broke. He calls you stupid. Weak. Tired. Dumb. Ugly. Failure. Loser. Unwanted. Unhealthy. Unappreciated. Unprotected. Rejected. Alone. The enemy is on his job and he knows it well. Don’t help him be successful by thinking you are something you’re not. You’re not tired! You have a lot of life left to live! You’re not broke. God has blessed you with more than enough. Use it wisely! You have God’s blessing and wisdom. You are loved. You are healed by His stripes. Jesus will never reject you or leave you alone. You are powerful, beautiful, more than a conqueror, and can do all things! Stop deceiving yourself today and be who God says you are.
I know I can
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“Heavenly Father, I’m done fooling myself and falling for the enemy’s trick of thinking I’m something I’m not. I won’t deceive myself! I am who You say I am and declare and decree Your blessings right now. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”