Hang On Tight!

You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.
— HEBREWS 10:36 (NIV)

Don’t you wish when life gets tough, you could call in, use a vacation day (or “Mental Health Day”), jump back in bed, and pull the covers over your head until your scheduled “good day” comes around? Unfortunately, you can’t always avoid the bad things that happen in life. Like, when your car breaks down days before you’re about to head out of town. What about those times when it seems “worldly folk” around you are getting their way, while you stay the course, remaining prayerful, patient, and persistent, but your day of overcoming never seems to be coming over?

I want to encourage you today to be of good cheer and hold on tight! God sees your persistence and is planning to blow your mind with blessings that are going to overtake you. Don’t veer off the righteous path assuming there’s an “easier way.” God’s will is the only way. When you walk the rocky road of life, you’re not alone. When you experience those sleepless nights of anxiousness, worry, and fear, God is right there to show Himself strong on your behalf. Stay in prayer. Be patient. Ask Christ for strength. But whatever you do, don’t give up! The promises God made are about to be revealed in you.

Stand on His promise

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Heavenly Father, please continue to strengthen me as I continue to do Your will and live life pleasing to You. I declare every promise You’ve made to me over my life today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer