Secure Jesus

‘Take a guard,’ Pilate answered. ‘Go, make the tomb as secure as you know how.’
— Matthew 27:65 (NIV)
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Ever try to protect something you loved so much only to lose it?  That car you wash every Saturday, only for it to lose its luster? The significant other you wouldn’t let anyone near, only for them to lose interest? Or what about the child you highly praised, only for them to lose the lessons you taught? When we place priority on securing the people or things we love higher than securing our relationship with Jesus, we often lose them.

However, when you secure your relationship with Christ and place no one or no thing above Him, He will give you the desires of your heart. Hand wash that car every Saturday, but remember Jesus provided it. Love your significant other, but not more than you love Christ. Train up your children and give their lives to God and not only your trophy case. When you give God the people and things you care about, He’ll give them back to you better than they were before. Let Jesus secure you and your relationships. He’s a better guard than us.

No Jesus. No love. Know Jesus. Know love.

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Heavenly Father, I secure my relationship You. I will not worship anyone or anything before You. You are my provider. I give those I care about and worldly possession to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer