Get Over Yourself

For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.
— Luke 9:24 (NIV)

If we’re honest, we all have that one thing we love to do that doesn’t quite put a smile on God’s face. Sometimes we complain about our lives when there are those that have less than us and would love to be in our shoes. When we consider ourselves before others, these vices or complaints rear their heads in our lives due to inward thinking. In our quest to be Christ-like, we have to think of others before ourselves.

Jesus always considered others before Himself. Like Christ, you have something inside of you that others need, and you can’t adequately bless someone else while you’re focused on yourself. “I’m tired.” “I don’t have time to.” “I don’t feel well.” In these times, be encouraged and find strength knowing that there is someone with less who needs you. Lose your life for the sake of doing the will of Christ and watch Him give it back to you.

Lose yourself

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Lord, I give my life to You and place my cares in Your hand. Strengthen me to do Your work and enable me to stand. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer