The True Source

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
— JOHN 15:5 (NIV)

I was reading posts on my Facebook timeline and people were sharing their opinions based on the results of our presidential election. I was so relieved to find most people I knew posting faith statements such as, “God is still in control” or “Jesus can fix it.” I did stumble across a comment stating, “Jesus can’t fix anything! As soon as you stop believing in some false deity in the sky, you’ll be the better. We are the god’s and goddesses.” I immediately prayed for this person and promptly unfollowed them.

God created you to do some pretty awesome things on earth, but to become a god was not one of them. God is the true source of all your power, and without Him you can do nothing. The ability God has gifted you with is not to reign over others, but to show others He reigns. Your confession of Christ’s lordship over your life and commitment to having no other God does not limit your greatness. You are a joint heir with Christ and His workmanship. If you remain with Christ, you will achieve what others deem impossible, but without Him, you can do nothing.

 One God

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Heavenly Father, You are the true source of my power. I choose to remain in You and bear much fruit, for without You, I can do nothing. Show Yourself strong through me God! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer