“Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently … Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
I saw some kids playing on a playground one day when a pesky bee flew about them. In a matter of moments, every child scattered from one particular boy. He’d seen the bee like the others, but lost sight of it once it landed on the back of his collar. As the boy flailed in fright, swinging and swatting trying to get the bee off, he ultimately made matters worse. He was stung twice. In all of that, I wondered, “What would’ve happened if one brave child would have stayed to help instead of leaving the boy alone to fend for himself?”
As believers, God wants us to help others from feeling the sting of sin. Instead of scattering and leaving your brothers or sisters in the midst of their trouble, help them to process and identify a better way of recovering from it. Show them there’s a better way through your support instead of heading for the hills of your own personal sanctified safety. When you hang around to help swat sin, other believers will become encouraged to do so as well. Before you know it, that sin will have flown away and you will have saved a friend from an unnecessary pain he or she didn’t have to experience.
Hate the sin, not the sinner
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“Heavenly Father, give me the courage to live by the Spirit and restore others gently who are caught in sin. I will carry the burdens of others and in doing so, fulfill the law of Christ. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”