Watch Ya Mouth

What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me.
— JOB 3:25 (NIV)

Negative thoughts are a powerful tool of Satan’s to keep you from achieving God results in your life. The combination of negative thinking and fear can turn your focus from the plans God has for you to “what ifs” and uncertainty. It’s extremely important to consider what we think and speak into the universe. Our words have power and are able to make thoughts manifest in the physical. This is why it’s important we speak life and not death over our lives.

Instead of thinking you hate your job, thank God He blessed you with an income. When the stray supermarket basket dents your car, thank God you have insurance. God has blessed you tremendously when you stop and think about it. Remember, things could be much worse. The more you think and speak negatively, the more likely it is to appear in your life along with the things you fear most. Don’t allow Satan anymore power over your thoughts or the words that exit your mouth. Speak life into the universe and watch God change things.

Speak Life

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Heavenly Father, You did not give me the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. I will use what You’ve given me to think positive and speak life into the universe. Fear and negativity have no power over me! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer