Clear the Way

Prepare for GOD’s arrival! Make the road straight and smooth, a highway fit for our God.
— Isaiah 40:3 (MSG)

God is prepared to do something exceedingly and abundantly in your life beyond all you could ask or think. The question is: Are you prepared?

Today, do a self-evaluation over your life. If God answered your prayer today, would you be ready to receive it? Are you prepared to represent Christ on the new job you’ve been praying for? Are you ready to bless God back when He blesses you financially? Are you able to forgive others the way you have asked Him to forgive you? Make sure you are prepared for God to arrive in your life. Clear the way for Him to move in by moving out anything that might hinder your blessing.

Moving day

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Lord, I am prepared for Your arrival. I will use Your word to help me make the roads of my life straight and smooth; a destination fit for You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer