Do Right By Others

Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good.
— ROMANS 12:9 (NLT)

It’s easy to pretend to love others. At church you probably see people for two hours, treat them nice, and you feel you’ve done your good deed until next Sunday. Your next door neighbors get a wave and a passing smile every now and again – “Love thy neighbor” checked off your list! So, how do you really love others? I’ll tell you. You really love others by first loving yourself.

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You can only love others after you love yourself. This means you follow God’s word, act as Christ did, and are led by the Holy Spirit. When you train your spirit to hold tightly to what is good, you will hate what is wrong, and want to do right by others. Doing right by others is offering the best “you” that you can to them through helps, prayers, godly advice, and of course, love. But doing right by others first starts with loving yourself and not just pretending to.

Try love


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Heavenly Father, I’m not going to pretend to love others. I’m going to really love them. I choose to hate what is wrong and hold tightly to what is good. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer

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