Look For It

Wherever you go and whatever you do, you will be blessed.

What do you have your eyes on today? Are you still thinking about what happened to you last year? Are you thinking about what they said about you yesterday? What about the unknown that’s going to happen to you tomorrow? If you’re focused on any of that it’s truly distracting you from what God has planned for you. What does He have planned for you? Blessings! That’s what? 

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If you expect trouble to happen or look for it, you’ll probably find it. Instead of worrying and conjuring up bad things to happen to you, focus on what Christ has planned for you. He said, “Wherever you go and whatever you do, you will be blessed.” What would happened if you believed that at work today or in your relationships or over your finances? I’ll tell you. You’d be blessed! And all because you looked for it though faith and you believed God for His Word. Let your blessing overtake you today. Anticipate it. Walk in it. Look for it.

You’re blessed!


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Heavenly Father, I’m renewing my mind! I will look for my blessing today and not trouble. Wherever I go and whatever I do, I am blessed. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer