Walk in Authority

Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.’
— MATTHEW 28:18 (NIV)

My wife and I were riding a 4D roller coaster during our vacation. The ride malfunctioned and we were stuck on one of the inclines. After a few announcements over the loud speaker our cart was released and became stuck again. And again. When we reached the end, the operator said we could skip the line and ride again. In order to get ahead of the others waiting to ride, we followed the operator through a door that said, “Do Not Enter.” We passed another that said, “Restricted Area.” Since we were with the operator, those signs didn’t apply to us. We had authority, because she had authority.

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The signs of life are all around us. They tell you that you can’t do this or can’t do that. They tell you that you can’t go here or can’t go there. But I’m here today to tell you those signs don’t apply to you because you’re walking with the One that has been given all authority. When you are stuck on life’s roller coaster, don’t fret! Christ will free you and no door will be closed to you that Jesus cannot open. When the world tries to discourage you or work against you, remember who has authority over it. Subdue it. Reign over it. You have dominion. Walk in authority.

Ride again!


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Heavenly Father, You have all authority in heaven and on earth. I choose today to walk in that authority. No door shall be closed to me for the earth is Yours and the fullness thereof. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer