What Does The Word Say?

It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
— PSALM 118:8 (NIV)

How do you know when you can rely on someone? How do you know who you can trust? When your friends say they’ll be at your house at seven to pick you up, can you rely on that? If your boss says your raise is coming next quarter, can you trust that? When someone you like tells you they love you, do you believe it? More times than not, the answer is yes. You have confidence in what people tell you, but why is it so hard to trust what the Lord says?

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It may be difficult to trust in GOD when you’ve forgotten or don’t know what He’s told and promised you. You can rely on Christ to never abandon you or forget about you. You can count on Jehovah-Jireh to always provide for you. Remember GOD’s love for you is real because He gave His only Son for you. The more you pray and study, you’ll find it is better to trust in the Lord than to put your confidence in man and it becomes easier for you to trust once you know what GOD said in the bible concerning you. Find out what His Word says for you today and watch your life change.

My trust is in the Lord

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Heavenly Father, I know it’s better to trust in You than people. I know I can rely on you for and in everything. Thank You for loving me, promoting me and providing for me always. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer