Live Forever

The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.
— 1 JOHN 2:17 (NIV)

Fads come and go. What was popular today will be gone tomorrow. You’ve probably got some clothes in your closet that aren’t “cool” to wear today. You may have invested in one of those bright red Steve Harvey suit jackets with twenty-five buttons down the front or you may have an isometric, multi-color rayon blouse that you wouldn’t be caught dead wearing today. Popular phrases you used twenty years ago lets people know how old you are, while the songs you think were great are now referred to as oldies, but goodies!

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The world is fickle. It will clap for you today and boo you tomorrow. It will appreciate you and depreciate you all in the same hour. That’s why, as believers, we can’t try to please the world or seek after its desires. We can’t live by what’s popular in the moment, no! We have to seek to do the will of GOD in all things. If we try to do what’s pleasing to the world, our soul slowly dies and our spirits become quenched. It is only through doing the will of God that we are able to live forever. Not what you wear. Not the new car you leased. Not the empty rhetoric we speak. Only what’s done for Christ will last.

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Heavenly Father, I seek to do You will and live forever in You. Strengthen me to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer