Change Your Day

Give praise to the LORD, proclaim His name; make known among the nations what He has done.

There’s plenty of things around you that can ruin your day. It could be something as small as the change in weather or the gloomy, rainy, early dark fall days that daylight savings brings or it could be something more significant like the loss of a loved one, a poor health report, or the empty feeling that no one cares. When your focus is concentrated on the negative around you, you have to make the decision that you no longer want negativity to possess your outlook or ruin your day. Change your day by praising the Lord and turning your attention to all He has done for you.

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If you’re reading this, it means God has given you another day. That alone is praise worthy! It means He has something great and mighty He wants to show you that can change your life and those around you forever, but you won’t see it if your focus is on everything that’s wrong in your life instead of what’s right in it. He woke you up this morning. He opened your eyes. You have air to breathe. You have voice to talk and sing God’s praises. When times are good, praise God. When times are not so good, praise God. Change your day by telling someone what God has done in your life knowing that He will do it again. You don’t have to accept what a day brings. Change it through your praise.

Power in the name

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Heavenly Father, I give You all my praise. I proclaim Your name. I will change my day by praising You and making it known among all the nations what You have done. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer